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How to convert your activities

1393 words·7 mins
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This document is a step-by-step guide on how to request your health data from Huawei.
You can request your data in 2 ways:

  • Method A: This is the preferred method to request your data. This method requests your data via the Huawei Privacy Center website.
    You can perform the steps from your computer. Due to the nature of the process requiring multiple login and verification steps, this will be the most comfortable way to request your data.
  • Method B: You can also request your data from the Huawei Health app. However, as stated, due to the nature of the process with repeated inputs of credentials and verification codes, it might be a bit more cumbersome to do it from your phone.


To request your data, you will need a Huawei ID account. Normally, you created your Huawei ID account when you started using the Huawei Health app, or when you started using your Huawei or Honor phone if you have one.

Method A - Request your data using the Huawei Privacy Center website.

Step 1 - Request your health data

1.1 - Open the Huawei Privacy Center website

  1. Browse to the Huawei Privacy Center website.
    Huawei Privacy Center login

1.2 - Login

  1. On the Huawei ID login screen, enter your Huawei ID e-mail or username and Huawei ID password and click the LOG IN button.
    Huawei Privacy Center login credentials
  2. A popup window will appear with a puizzle verification. Click and hold the puzzle piece to the left and drag it onto its correct position.
    Huawei Privacy Center login verification
  3. The Verify identity dialog will open. You must enter a verification code.
    Huawei Privacy Center verify identity

To obtain a new verification code, click on the Get code text to the right of the Email code input field.
An e-mail with the verification code will be sent to the e-mail account linked to your Huawei ID.

Tip: If the mail doesn’t arrive within the first minute, you can click Resend to get a new mail.
  1. Wait for the mail to arrive (you might want to click the send / receive button in your e-mail client) and enter (or copy / paste) the verification code from the e-mail in the Email code input field.
    Click the OK button to confirm.

Huawei Privacy Center verify identity

  1. The Trust this browser? dialog appears. You can decide if you want to trust the current browser or not.

Huawei Privacy Center trust browser

Tip: If you’re not sure, just click on Decide later.

1.3 - Navigate to the Request Your Data screen

  1. The Privacy Center home screen will open.

    Huawei Privacy Center home screen

  2. On the Privacy Center screen, click on Request Your Data.

    Huawei Privacy Center request your data button

  3. An Identity verification screen appears.
    Enter your Huawei ID password and click the Next button.

    Request Your Data password verification

  4. Another Identity verification screen appears.
    You must obtain a new verification code by clicking on Obtain code on the irght hand side of the Enter verification code input field.

    Request Your Data password verification

  5. An e-mail with the verification code will be sent to the e-mail account linked to your Huawei ID. Check your e-mail for a new mail from Huawei ID and enter (or copy / paste) the verification code from the mail in the Enter verification code field. Complete the identity verification by clicking Next.

    Request Your Data password verification

1.4 - Request your data

  1. The Privacy Center screen will be opened in the Data Management tab with the menu option Request Your Data selected in the menu to the left.

    Request Your Data home screen

  2. Scroll down in the list with Huawei Mobile Services until you see Health.

    Request Your Data home screen

  3. Tick the Health checkbox on the right hand side of the Health field.

    Request Your Data home screen

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.

    Request Your Data home screen

  5. On the Select a file size limit screen, select 5G as file size limit and confirm by clicking the OK button.

    Request Your Data file size screen

  6. The Set Password dialog will open.

    Request Your Data file password dialog
    Enter and repeat the password for the Huawei ZIP file that will be generated and confirm by clicking the OK button.
    You will need this password later in Step 2.

Important: Make sure to remember or take note of the password you used. It might take up to 7 days for Huawei to generate the data and there is no way to read the data from the Huawei ZIP file without the password.
  1. A screen will display to confirm that your request has been accepted. Click the OK button.
    Request Your Data request accepted
  2. To logout from the Huawei ID website, click the Logout button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  3. You will receive a confirmation mail from Huawei that your data is being prepared.
    Now wait patiently for the mail from Huawei to arrive confirming that your data has been generated and is ready for download.

Step 2 - Download your requested data

2.1 Open the Huawei Privacy Center

When you received the mail from Huawei that your requested data have been generated, open it and click on the link to download your data. You will be taken to the Huawei Privacy Center website where you can download your data.

2.2 Login

The steps to login are identical to the ones described in 1.2 Login above. Please execute all the steps mentioned there and come back here for the next step once completed.

2.3 Navigate to the Request Your Data screen

The steps to navigate to the Request Your Data screen are identical as explained in 1.3 Navigate to the Request Your Data screen above. Please execute all the steps mentioned there and come back here for the next step once completed.

2.4 Download your data

  1. The Privacy Center screen will be opened in the Data Management tab with the menu option Request Your Data selected in the menu to the left. The screen will now look like this:

    Download Your Data

  2. Click on the Download button to the right of the Health data line. The file will be downloaded to the Download folder of your browser.

    Download Button

  3. Congratulations, you are now ready to convert your health activities in Hitrava!
    If you wish to do so, you can delete the exported health data from the Huawei Privacy Center, by clinking the Delete this copy button on the screen.

  4. To logout from the Huawei Privacy Center website, click the Logout button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Step 3 - Convert your data with Hitrava Web

  1. Use the downloaded Huawei ZIP file from the previous step in the Hitrava Web app to convert your activities data.

Notice: the current release of Hitrava Web is an alpha version.
The full functionality is not yet available and limited to trial mode.
Some of your latest activities will appear greyed out and can not be selected for conversion.

  Start Hitrava Web

Method B - Request your data in the Huawei Health app

Notice: The below procedure is only a brief summary on how you can request your data using the Huawei Health app. If you prefer a step-by-step guide, please use Method A above.

Step 1 - Download your requested data

  1. On your phone, open the Huawei Health app.
  2. Tap the Me button in the lower right-hand corner of the main screen.
  3. Now tap on the field with your account name on top of the screen.
  4. Tap on Privacy Center.
  5. Tap Request Your Data.
  6. Select Health from the list and confirm your selection.
    You will be obligated to enter a password to encrypt the requested data with.
    You will need this password later in Step 2 below.
  7. Follow any further in-app instructions.
  8. You will receive a confirmation mail from Huawei that your data is being prepared.
    Now wait patiently for the mail from Huawei to arrive confirming that your data has been generated and is ready for download.

Step 2 - Download your requested data

  1. When you received the mail from Huawei that your requested data have been generated, open it and click on the link to download your data. You will be taken to the Huawei Privacy Center website where you can download your data.

Step 3 - Convert your data with Hitrava Web

  1. Use the downloaded Huawei ZIP file from the previous step in the Hitrava Web app to convert your activities data.

Notice: the current release of Hitrava Web is an alpha version.
The full functionality is not yet available and limited to trial mode.
Some of your latest activities will appear greyed out and can not be selected for conversion.

  Start Hitrava Web